Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Power Plant Worker Electrocuted

Grimsby Towns, a worker at the East Avenue power plant, survives a severe electrocution.

By Henry G. Wilson | January 14, 1946

A routine day at the power plant on East Avenue in Question Mark, Ohio, took a harrowing turn in 1946 when Grimsby Towns, an employee at the facility, was severely electrocuted. The incident, which caused Towns to lose consciousness, has raised concerns about safety at the plant and sparked a wider discussion on workplace hazards.

Towns, who miraculously survived the ordeal, later claimed to have had a peculiar vision of a large white circle in the nearby woods during his unconscious state. Towns, recovering from the incident, insisted on the reality of his vision, describing the circle as "eerily luminous and awfully large." This peculiar revelation has captured the imagination of many locals, sparking discussions about its possible meanings and origins.

However, Thomas Bradley, Chief of Police in Question Mark, has dismissed Towns' claim, attributing it to the disorienting effects of the electrocution. "It's not uncommon for individuals to experience hallucinations under such circumstances," the Chief stated, urging the public not to leap to supernatural conclusions.

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