Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Parking Lot Collapse Leads to Loss of Lives

A catastrophic collapse at the Lost Lake Drive-In results in numerous casualties, including state champion tuba player Martha Givens.

By Mary Johnson | August 10, 1957

In a devastating turn of events, the Lost Lake Drive-In became the site of a tragic accident in 1957. During a double feature showing of The Invisible Man vs The Human Fly and 12 Angry Men, a portion of the drive-in's parking lot suddenly collapsed, plunging several cars and moviegoers into a deadly underground sulfurous pond, which until recently, was thought to have dried up.

The collapse led to numerous casualties, shaking the community to its core. Among the lives tragically lost was Martha Givens, a state champion tuba player, known for her talent and kind spirit. The loss of Givens and other attendees has left the town in mourning, with a profound sense of shock and grief permeating the community. Early Givens, high school junior and tuba second chair, played a touching requiem at Ms. Givens funeral service.

Emergency services responded quickly to the scene, but the suddenness and severity of the collapse made rescue efforts challenging. The incident has raised questions about the stability of the ground where the Lost Lake Drive-In was constructed and whether the transformation of the former pond site was thoroughly evaluated for potential hazards.

“Who could have known something like this would happen?” asked Police Chief Thomas Bradley. “Our focus now is on supporting the families affected and ensuring a thorough investigation."

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