Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Valor and Sacrifice: A Soldier’s Homecoming

Local hero and Purple Heart recipient, Sebastian Marlow, returns home, bearing the scars of war.

By Nicolas Flynn | June 29, 1972

In a quiet, poignant ceremony, nineteen-year-old Sebastian Marlow, a recipient of the Purple Heart, returned to Question Mark yesterday, a starkly different person from the young track star who left. Before his draft in April 1970, Marlow was not only a beacon of athletic prowess but also an academic hopeful, having secured a spot in the University of Ohio's esteemed physics program with dreams of delving into the realm of robotics.

War, however, has its own plans. Marlow returns home without the use of his legs, a visible testament to his sacrifice, yet it's the unseen wounds that his mother laments bear the heaviest toll with "deep wounds on the outside and on the inside,” according to his mother. Despite the unimaginable challenges he now faces, Marlow's spirit remains unbroken. His resolve, firmer than ever, shines through his words, "I will not live out the rest of my life in this state, I can promise you that."

Sebastian Marlow's story is a sobering reminder of the cost of conflict, a narrative of courage, resilience, and an unwavering hope for recovery. As our community welcomes him back, we are reminded of the profound sacrifices made by our soldiers and the enduring strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

The Question Mark Sentinel stands as a beacon of truth and a voice for the community. We are your newspaper, your neighbor, and your ally. Together, we write not just stories, but the history of Question Mark, Ohio. Join us as we continue to ask important questions and fearlessly seek the answers.