Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Tragedy Strikes Question Mark High: Sinkhole Causes Season Forfeit and Loss of Lives

The 1973 football season at Question Mark High is abruptly ended by a catastrophic sinkhole, dampening high hopes for the Enigmas' first win.

By Jonathan Heywood | September 21, 1973

In a tragic turn of events, the 1973 football season for Question Mark High School's team, the Enigmas, was abruptly cut short due to a catastrophic sinkhole incident on their home field. The disaster not only resulted in the loss of two team members but also dashed the high hopes harbored by the team and its supporters for the season.

The Enigmas, who have yet to secure a win since the school's establishment, had entered the 1973 season with renewed vigor and optimism. The town's support for the team was at an all-time high, with many in the community believing that this would be the year the team would finally achieve its first victory.

However, the unexpected opening of a massive sinkhole on the field during a routine practice changed everything. The community was left reeling from the shock and grief of losing two young athletes in such a sudden and unforeseen manner.

Local surveyor G.H. Tunstead was the first to climb down into the sinkhole and claimed there was a strange, purplish glow and several mushrooms growing along the sinkhole’s walls. “Looks like something big is growing under the field.”

Head Coach Dwight Johnson, struggling with emotion, stated, "They were standing on the field one moment and the next moment they were gone. Our hearts are broken. We started this season with such high hopes, but now we're reminded of how quickly things can change. Our priority is to support the families of the young men we lost and to help our students process this tragedy."

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