Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Anticipation Builds for Question Mark Galleria on East Avenue

Plans for the new Question Mark Galleria shopping mall spark excitement and skepticism among locals.

By Jonathan Heywood | July 20, 1989

Question Mark is abuzz with the potential opening of a new shopping mall, the Question Mark Galleria, located on East Avenue near County Route 54. The youth of the town, especially, are thrilled about the new entertainment and shopping options it promises.

15-year-old Ronny Dublowski expressed his excitement, saying, "I can't wait to check out the records at Sam Goody! It's going to be awesome to have a place to hang out and listen to rock music." Similarly, Beth Galinski, also 15, shared her enthusiasm: "I'm really looking forward to getting my ears pierced at Claire's. It's going to be so cool to have a mall right here in Question Mark!"

However, amidst the excitement, there are whispers of skepticism regarding the project's viability. Jock Reynolds, a retired member of the Town Council, speculated, "I'm not sure the funding is entirely secured for a project this ambitious. It's a big step for a small town like ours."

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