Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Elizabeth Zisk Elected Mayor of Question Mark

Elizabeth Zisk wins her first full term as mayor in an uncontested election on November 7, 2001.

By Lynn Givens | November 7, 2001

Tonight, Elizabeth Zisk has been confirmed as the mayor of Question Mark, Ohio, in an election against Democratic challenger Barbara Bennet, current school board president. This marks the beginning of her first full term, following her appointment as mayor in April 1998 after the untimely death of her husband, Thompson Zisk, in the Cell-Con fire.

Addressing supporters on election night, Mayor Zisk shared her thoughts: "I'm grateful for the trust the people of Question Mark have placed in me, despite the tremendously weak turnout. It seems complacency can indeed be a form of endorsement in our town. Question Mark simply needs to do better. I have never lived in a place where people seem to care so little about their future."

Mayor Zisk's election reflects the town's desire for continuity and her established presence in the mayoral office. As she embarks on this new chapter, the community looks forward to a period of sustained growth and stability, underpinned by her leadership and experience.

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