In an unfortunate turn of events, the Question Mark Enigmas' football team has been sidelined by an outbreak of norovirus. The highly contagious virus swept through the team, leading to the postponement of their much-anticipated game against the regional contenders.
The outbreak reportedly started after a team dinner at Professor Chik N Crunch, with several players showing symptoms the following day. Coach Howard confirmed that nearly half of the team was affected, necessitating a temporary halt to all team activities. "The health and safety of our players are our top priority," Coach Howard stated. "We're taking all necessary precautions and following health guidelines."
This setback is a blow to the Enigmas, who were in the midst of preparing for a pivotal game in their season. The team's struggle for their first win has been a source of local support and sympathy, with the community rallying behind them.
The school's athletic director assured fans that the team would resume play as soon as it was safe to do so. Meanwhile, support for the Enigmas continues to grow, with many in the community expressing their well-wishes and looking forward to the team's return to the field, stronger and healthier.