Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Question Mark Police Honored Despite Ongoing Unsolved Case

Question Mark Police receive Governor's Award for low crime rate, but the unresolved 2019 death of local reporter Abigail Flynn raises concerns.

By Ben Fortune | September 10, 2022

The Question Mark Police Department was recently honored with the Governor’s Award for maintaining the lowest crime rate for a town of its size from 2015 to 2022. This significant achievement highlights the department's dedication to community safety and effective law enforcement. However, the accolade is overshadowed by an unsolved tragedy within the community: the 2019 death of Sentinel reporter Abigail Flynn, which remains unresolved to this day.

Abigail Flynn's death has been a lingering sore spot for the town, especially for her husband, Todd Bookman. Responding to the news of the award, Bookman expressed his dismay: “I respect our town and its police force, but finding trying to find answers surrounding my wife’s death seems to have been forgotten at the moment.”

Police Chief Gus Holt addressed the Flynn case in light of the award, stating, “The investigation into Abigail Flynn's accidental death continues with our full dedication. This award highlights our department's overall commitment to public safety, but it also serves as a reminder of the importance of resolving every case, no matter how difficult or downright impossible.”

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