Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Question Mark Elementary Welcomes New Third Grade Teacher Holly Peterson

Holly Peterson joins Question Mark Elementary from Cleveland, bringing a fresh approach to teaching both academics and emotional learning.

By Lynn Davis | September 21, 2022

Question Mark Elementary School is starting the new school year with an exciting addition to its teaching staff. Holly Peterson, an enthusiastic and innovative educator, has recently moved from Cleveland to take up a third-grade teaching position at the school.

Ms. Peterson brings a unique teaching philosophy that extends beyond traditional academic curriculum. She emphasizes the importance of emotional learning in her classroom, focusing on developing her students' emotional intelligence alongside their academic skills. In her own words, "I'm thrilled to join the Question Mark community. My goal is to foster a learning environment where students grow academically and emotionally. I believe in teaching children not just the 'what,' but also the 'how' and 'why' of learning and how understanding our emotions play a major part in our development as people."

When asked why she chose Question Mark Elementary, Ms. Peterson, dressed entirely in purple, looked off into the near distance for a moment and then smiled and said, “Someone close to me suggested I give it a try.”

In an exciting development, Ms. Peterson plans to have third and fourth students enact Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. This project aims to integrate creative arts into her teaching approach, providing a dynamic and engaging learning experience for her students.

The school administration and parents have warmly welcomed Ms. Peterson, looking forward to the fresh perspectives and innovative teaching methods she brings to Question Mark Elementary. Her arrival marks a promising new chapter for the school and its commitment to comprehensive education.

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