Sentinel by the Decade

The Question Mark Sentinel

Out of Darkness Comes the Light

Final Edition

Question Mark Schools Close Temporarily Amid Coronavirus Concerns

In response to the Coronavirus outbreak, Question Mark schools will shut down for two weeks as a precautionary measure.

By Ben Fortune | March 15, 2020

On March 15, 2020, the Question Mark School District announced a temporary closure of both of its schools for two weeks due to growing concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. This decision, aligned with guidance from health officials, aims to safeguard the health and well-being of students, staff, and the community.

Principal Angela Griffin of Question Mark High School addressed the community, stating, "Our top priority is the safety of our students and staff. We're taking this necessary step to prevent further spread of the virus. I am certain students will be back in classes by April."

School officials stated they would utilize this period to deep clean the facilities and evaluate further steps in consultation with public health authorities. Parents and students have been advised to stay informed through official channels as the situation develops. The community braces for the impact of this unprecedented health crisis, emphasizing the importance of collective action and responsibility.

However, eighth-grader Violet Bookman expressed skepticism about the reopening timeline. "I doubt things will get back to normal in just two weeks. It seems like this virus is more serious than we thought. I really wish people would pay more attention," she commented. “Sometimes it feels like the world could come to an end and nobody around here would notice.”

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